Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pocket Bread

5 1/2 c flour (half can be wheat)
1 T yeast
2 1/4 c water
1 t sugar
1 t oil
2 t salt
Mix and knead 7 min by machine or 15-20 min by hand. Form a cylinder 14" long-Cut 1"slices. Make into 14 balls Lay 2 " apart on floured towel. Cover with dry tea towel and then with a damp towel. Raise 1 hr. On floured surface roll into 6" rounds Raise 30 min Place one cookie sheet on top rack and one near bottom rack. Bake 2 pockets on each cookie sheet. Bake 4 1/2, trade and bake 4 1/2 min more. Wrap in dry towel Store in plastic bag Freeze if not used with in 2 days makes 14 (See Main Dish for Pictures Chicken Salad)

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